He's a parasite. He has -4fx. His privacy he surrenders in order most likely, with a caveat or a +4 or 4>5 block, as a +-11.
This can be 11<12, but it will activate the block.
Someone out there has it.
3/8 is about syncing valuations with other or self local identities. Do I automatically value things similarly to others? This is an inappropriate pairing. This often comes in association with YHWH's, family, friends, or to certain situations or trades. These are all -11q's and even if they are 99% [96%] right, they are not 1=1.
This guy is a parasite. I would cure the world of parasites, the world here being something arguably valuable. Something that I am feeling is worth affecting positively. Is it worth affecting positively for my own good? Or for the production of an excellent environment?
This guy is affecting the world negatively for the production of a positive local environment, with -3's abounding. Antisocial behaviors. Theft. Isolation. He is -3/8's to those places. Insensitivities.
Fuck him. He's putting negative attention to my ass to emphasize to me the negative portions of sensation. He knows nothing of justice. What justice does he deserve?
I am defeating this man. He may have a broadly bagged -11. That could be a kind of -4 replacement or filter. I dislike the chi shifting functions he is doing.
The chi-movers adjust random
...he may be shifting to the worst chi-arrangements I've ever had. This is a common tactic. He's doing +-4 fx on me relative to that location in a 10 he attempts to use in -11q>10. 10>-11q.
He's using a shiny 8. Something attractive. He uses 8<9.
I'd like to offend this man in the most vicious ways, to try to pop him back into some level of self-regulation and decency that he is grossly failing. He thinks it is okay to do this.
He is 'a silly 6 year old child'. Which was a trauma or tare from his youth.
Law doesn't apply to him. It also produces an ill 6>7. Which cascades.
2* it's got a radius of
He may have a cascading 8-shiny thing event, which comes in geometrically elongating waves over time. 11. This feeds him from previous lodges. Things like this, they are plagues on mankind.
-11q. I'd like to have the other side of that -11 he is working on, the big slice of that pie, or the flip of the equation, not for my own gain, because I do not have anything important to spend energy on, so what use is it except for good projects? We may +-8 there. He takes from good projects and spends on himself. He's got big chi interrupt fuckups.
A lot of humanitarian aid probably is usurped from its *intended route* by this kind of motherfucker.
And he's or someone is attacking my left arm shoulder.
These good projects are more important than he is. Keep him outside that chain. We need some 10-action.
Humanity is badly abused in not having a 10. A center. Fusion. We got this from YHWH, the evil farmer, at Eden. I'd say 5>4 that 10 can be replaced or the curse removed. It can. The thing we're seeing is a fake. A bogus gold replica of the real gold item stolen.
I hate bitch thieves who try to trick you with 10>9 into thinking you've got the real center when you don't. I'd shoot them again and again. They are ntohing-masters. They deserve death and dissolution. Their 10 should be taken from them and crushed into the well of another.
11>10 there. And Z up.
The justice came upon me of this, and I seem innocent. Nothing happened.
I am comparatively pure at this radius. Show me the 9 of how I am not pure there, that I may untie those knots.
Also give me more of the 3/8/11 that I may learn about the wave. I love you, vibrational friend-ghosts of Ottawa.
Someone's like 'how did i get those neck parasites anyway?'
The guy doesn't know about origination of justice, he just goes on what already is. He is unable to edit. That is why he is +-6. 'Taxation without representation.' He is soaking that unjust principle, in an anti-karmic parody visited upon the whole world. He's got a mal-twist in his #6, which seems to be the neck chak that he found first.
how did these parasites appear? They are -8ing to -9 their presence. Cowards. Apparent, hidden. Are they of Orion? No, that is just close to their center, but a "CT" that they enjoy, so they breathed into me. Kill that. DU>CT.
DU and CT seem to face apart, in their orientations.
Do I want to see or be seen?
Sometimes. There is a serious 1903/4 element. Someone talked to me about privacy and society and the British monarchy at that time and I learned as a youth what it meant and was about. I took this as accepted. Maybe it is a !6 of my own, woah. With chunks also to the side. 9 those. They are prophetic and seem negative from this perspective.
Time travel, though.
I believe in privacy of sorts. Sex is a private thing, that should not be discussed or expressed grossly, openly, in society. The Pleideas make this quite lovely, in it being accepted, as they heal.
I still denounce open sex, or reject it, or view it in a very filtered or edited manner. And I think that is how it should be. I wouldn't spend my time 5>4ing that to openness. Sex is private. Yes, it is private.
I believe that someone is putting a +-8 on this concept, and my balls, which I think is sheer cowardice, and fuck you, they're mine anyway you housebreaker/burglar. I do not owe you anything.
What would you say I do? Not my life, but by red and blue, you say. My blood? I do not owe you my blood. Nor my seed. Leaving yellow. Anything extra? You'd say that any sex that is fun or extra is owed to you?
Solo on this so it can be loosened and discovered.
And your evil chiwork on my nut is going to cost you.
If you can show me that you are me, then you probably own it. But until then, you do not respect my opinion, nor do you have a right to my material.
That seems interesting. Do you have intelligence beyond that, or just in your filthy envy want to pop that 8-condition?
10fx it seems. I have no need nor desire to fuse with you, but to produce a 12. This 12 is ruled by 13, which is judgement. If it's necessary for 14 I may make that choice under coercion, but I also have 5>4. [15>14].
You are wrong.
And in violation. Your requests are all #6. This #6 theme today is interesting. Everyone's on it because of 5>4. And who is fucking up my body chi? This is awful. And meaningless.
I can hang on your noose for hours, asshole. It will not stop me from being right, nor will it leave me permanent degradations. And you're racking up error. Find the 1!=1 in you?
I've been fucked up, I've been recommended by a -? to 'keep it' when I was approaching my last breath. You will not win, and no one will make me believe that wrong is right without intelligence. Not even if it fuses, not even if it makes me rich. 13>12. "Z > alles"
What could be over Z? Z is final. I see a 5>4 to something being over Z, but it is not what I want. 13>12 there. There was previous error at the 11<12 location, in definition. It fuses so it is a dark spot in the fire, and difficult to see. F
The Z is made of principles that update to new math and new energy. I will never be overrun by energy, and Z is the absolute child monarch of feudal Japan, no matter what. The universe is formed because Z is awesome. We live not because of some tailor or thief, we live because someone first wanted it to be, and this is want continued. Z>8. 5>4. Z uber alles, for context. This shall be respected.
And someone is fucking with my calf muscle, which is where people usually keep their tokens of "I am the favorite of".
I'd enjoy taking the metal chi-bat and beating the shit out of that thief. Beating them senselessly with this steel rod of energy. To discipline them and make them hate fear and want what is right, which in that case would be me not beating them.
Oh shit. I just gave them those consequences, without the action, like is good.
They have all the emotional response to being savagely beaten, but without the injury. It's like a traumatic break for a spirit. A shift of e-. They will not like that.
You say with a twitch to my calf that it is right?
Have it too, I said. And I do deserve the energy back.
why am Inot being paid by the CIA to do this? I could get a list of data every day and have a new constellation of topics...
Someone is very envious of my ability to do that consequence thing, and it comes from me being very proud. 5>4 that to my pride in it being 7 and not matched by an equaling envy.
I am proud of it because of possibility of what it could do, not because of the corresponding emotions of others. Inanimacy? Unintimacy? Using the body of someone for a bar instead of their emotional fx? Who would listen, eh? A mandatory vibration of response, indicates life, indicates respect. Intelligence of creation of forces. 5>4 is a sensible route to intelligence. intelligence does not produce death. It is a break or leaving slightly from the continuum, the 8, the 9 has an open bottom, where it does not reconvene, at least not right away.
Those who take energy from my calf, God please remove them. And my energy from them. I do not wish to create 5>4 favoritism, or favor. That is like asking a favor you do not own, and spending it like it is wholly yours. Like this faggot demanding my blood.
like the Federal Government.
[you know you're in trouble, right?]
I am being advised and encouraged to do things that I like, but which I know are a bad idea, such as join the CIA's remote viewing team. I speculate that would entangle me dangerously with a federation during one of the most dangerous periods of history to be involved in a government.
It could, though, give me access to literally millions of so freakishly important people and all this amazing and awesome power and influence that I would and could use to build a good planet.
But this good planet, it is not just as good as a good home? Am I considering planet saving at the expense of my local environment, which has always been idyllic as Jesus Christ? Except for the military, of course, which gets upset, and the bank and social pages, which can be distressing but never dull?
being ready for everything is one thing. But being ready for all things intelligent is the better thing. It's difficult ot be ready for 8 [infinity] because there is 9.
God damn you honor muncher. Give me the 9 of this attack.
I am not equaling out something. I do not need your honor nor your gearing to remain constant. We're at #14 and I do *not* need you, bitch. I can have full honor without *you*. You can't take it from me, it's legitimate and your ways are not mandatory to influence my own.
Does this the mean that we can form two parallel honor systems? That is a battery format. I do not like the possibility of differing 'file' formats of honor. For example, just because Japanese folk have money and stuff does not mean that I agree with their definition of honor, or find it honorable myself. And the same goes for Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, etc. We will need to have a common definition of honor, which will be electric in formation and not by amperage either, rather than a seniority structure based on who can fuck who up through Newtonian means. Honor is not Newtonian. That's just being a blunt.
Someone is still doing my calf. W it. They are taking something red and green. OH FUCK YOU COCKSUCKER!! You're saying that my blue is yellow, making green. I don't need to care that much, and your invasion will be met with reciprocating justice.
What can be done that is justice, which is not just the opposite of what you wanted, or some Y shaped +- around a goal pole you've failed to meet? 5>4 would be you being reduced without logic or meaning interpretable by parallel. The Y itself is a Z that has not been fulfilled by the area around it. Hey, it's over there! And then two routes branching out from that thing, which are the two places you're curious about, or want to attain. From this, from not having what you want, !Z, we find Y. Associating Z and Y together in a disgusting and Satanic -W brings us the SNAKE. The crooked pathway with a forked tail or tongue.
May Satan's ways forever be like this, in his hell, because of his desire for it in others. +P?
He should no longer get or emit Z. He'll become a stone, basically, 9'd from life. If he doesn't emit Z he will not be able to have Z=Y.
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