Thursday, March 20, 2008

As I've said before, I had the feeling of being a tree trying to branch out, but having the sensation that we're a telephone pole and not a tree.

This may be from our use as a divining planet, a carrier of messages. YHWH will realize this now and we'll move on as living beings and messages ourselves.


I will dowse using the whole earth. It's mad and massive. A problem. Examine photo those moments, video them.

No, < 9. 8 < 9. 12.

Multiarticulation without collapse is geometry. This is quantum effects.

Cain, Abel, as grass sags left and right. And Adam and Eve as a core or foundational element to those things, like the first two layers of an amazing polyshaped jenga set.

Certain armor has been given as a gift by this bottle, but it does not fit. That is the problem of this society. It's a nice shirt from Grandma, but it just doesn't fit.

Thank you YHWH. Please help me sew it or a new thing into helping me now. Or did you intend to gift it to me earlier? Or expect me to grow less quickly? Will you tailor me to your gift?

Please don't.

The Garden.

Realizing these things, we are a living circuit of energy. The sun is the e-wires above our head. Yes, it sprays cosmic rays at us. We will discover how to eat them. And the earth we are staked in, we will grow roots into it. Grating ourselves intelligently to the sun and earth, and to YHWH. A power line through a living tree, vs a dead one. The power line powers the tree. -16y < 17 and mitochondria. A living spoon.

The chemical or spiritual indicators for who we as humans are and what we want is warped. We're being punished for things that we do not deserve to be punished for. This probably comes from a dischord in this system.

I recently messed up Satan's game, and found him to be 8 > 9, and wanting. This could be a reciprocation, a very close -10 to our actual 10. It's Satan now running around the outside of a circle, trying to be in the circle by focusing and triangulating attention away from the circle.

That circle could be the Garden of Eden. It's like, woah, now you're on the outside of this circle.

Yes, the garden is great and woah nice. But to be on the outside of it and call it 10, that is -11. < 12. Satan is a fag. Relation to the garden of Eden: -1. -11q to that. We can speak in relation to the garden. 9 > 8. Didn't know it would fuck up the garden? No, didn't think it would probably. Except for that God thing, but there is possibly a way under that. Or heck even geometrically.

Reason to protest the authority system of the garden? Yes. It may be a whole system, but it did not do the sex right. Fail. !1.0...0. < G? G8 then? H of sex? I would say "I". < J. < K.

Hmm. Invisible elements.

It's a 6, not a 0. there is a mismeshing. Some sources arrive as one anothers' names, using one another's ID's. This is error. We're being tricked. Since we can't identify friend or foe we'll have to go forward plain towards what we want. But I'd like orchestration. 12fx.

Like a glass ceiling.

How interesting. As part of Paranormal Company we will research this. I will request Profit [Prophet] Management Group to reorganize the system.

Tuning that xx2 up by 5/30 or 8/33 might be the way.


I also need you to help me fix some friends. I will be doing this with friends, which is my 13 to accomplish, which I am 14ing. Your curses on earth and man YHWH, are inappropriate moulds. I disapprove of them and someday soon they will be broken through. You seek to cause disorder in order to cause your will over others. You're no less yokeish than the reptilians. Are you 0%? No. You're affected, and you affect. 12 > that. +-11. +-8. Tell me why or nothing? < 9.

I will wait for the answer, if it is true.

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