Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ironic Reincarnation is Cruel

I have been privy to numerous instances of past lives and reincarnations. I have noticed that almost all of them are ironic or what I call "8>9" in some way.

For example, a man born in England refused to go to war because he didn't want to hurt anybody, but winds up guilted into going by his family. He noticed that the helmet wouldn't stop a bullet, but mentions it to no one. He is later shot in the head. The bullet stopped in his brain because the helmet slowed it down. During childhood he had refused to suckle at his mother's breast because she rejected him in front of his father. Later as a young naive soldier in Paris he unwittingly raped a dancer at a USO show at the advice of a Frenchman, thinking it was appropriate and love. He does not go to trial because he stopped and left in shame when asked.

He is later born in Germany and nearly starves to death in the famines of 1923, finding some filthy food to eat in a gutter at 3 years old. 3 Frenchmen take pity on him and teach him everything he needs to know except the true lessons, complicating his life immensely. For the honor of his family, he joins the Nazi party and helps kill thousands of people. During his youth he is raped by a SS camp member, probably because of the lack of advice to defend himself, or lack of advice he gave. He lives, and the rapist does not go to trial because of his guile, lies, and guilt manufacturing. But the event honors the boy and he becomes a ranking officer. He has lots of consentual sex on the road during his tours. Deep in Russia, he is fired upon by an ambush. The otherwise good round grazes the side of his head instead of hitting him in the forehead as it would have if true. The gun then jams and he returns fire, killing the attacker. He is captured by Russians at the end of the war, and dies in prison camp from provoking a guard into stabbing him in the neck with the bayonet.

How many similies can you find here?

Later, he avoids vietnam by being too young. In a later life he becomes involved in the Iraq war though he shouldn't and isn't needed.

A train robber and rapist dies, only to become an abused child. He abused his children by neglect first, then he was abused by action. I have noticed that many people assaulted or assaulting in such ways say the exact opposite of what is true with a small smile in their hearts, and that these people often collect in militaries, especially in the US Marines, a paternal [fraternal] organization.

These kinds of watery reciprocations may be a sign of the Age of Pisces. They are cruel and unusual punishment, and whoever or whatever force is causing them to occur is 8>9, equality greater than intelligence, and is calling existence equal to love. This is the destruction or abolition of intelligence, possibly in response to Adam and Eve eating the apple of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. There is a mathematical equation to describe the function of the apple of knowledge. It gives access to a mathematical or field representation that previously was sacrosanct and never adjusted. As 'gardeners', we humans now garden this sacrosanct place as 'defiled'. It is little more than a lambda-10, but God calls it the ultimate origin.

This reincarnation-injustice practice should stop. This is nothing like love. This is torture and cruelty and horror. I have no interest in causing these circuits to continue. What is right and good and true should be done instead. This is ugly geometry.

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