Monday, December 24, 2007

Also, pls use the 1-jealousy on Satan.

He believes there is an opposite to 8, which is relativism. However, # are a closed set, and the mathematical instability that he is will be ejected from the closed set, basically earth and the sun's heliosphere, into cosmic radiation. A black hole is not an "opposite of 8". Physicists, can you tell me what the opposite of "8" is? It is unreal. What Satan wants is unreal, and he will quest *forever* without it, unstable, He will never stop destroying, and when locked alone, he will destroy himself. We others will be stabilized by fusion.

We will discover the answer to the double-split [2P] experiment, which is the mathematical problem that means 'fusion', and the light of the city will be always on. From that point we might no longer engage in circuits requiring black holes to clean up our quantum waste. Our quantum and electrical pathways spanning far into the past and future involve black holes unless we can master fusion. a BH is pretty unpleasant, electrically, and rends em pathways considerably.

How do you get 2 protons to become 1 proton? I imagine that the remainder of that material will be blasted into a huge number of electrons right away, as the -8 of the proton charge is the electron, and a smallish amount of subatomic radiation.

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