Tuesday, December 25, 2007

God, Satan, Black Holes

If you have a "belief that you can achieve evil" and experience "benefit from it", and approve of this belief and the benefit, you are evil and wrong. The first lie should be found in any situation and destroyed. Satan is the father of lies and brings many of these to the world.

Not every possibility prepared for must be met with a reality. God prepares many possibilities but only has to sort them into reality if they are warranted. Satan would have God use them all, or prepare only one.

[Satan is of 11>12, and gains corrupt benefit from his infernal form of pairing, an attempt at fusion and the formation of energy-fitness of the universe, a cycle between suns and black holes which serves good and breaks fused iron down into hydrogen to be re-fused.]

Satan is a chronic liar. He's been put in a high-water area because of this intelligence, but still produces lies to try to pursue fusion. He's a bad scientist. He does not understand. He cannot get others to either with his non-understanding ways.

Satan hopes to bring perfection in clarity to every situation, which pits him infinitely against the unique, which he cannot define. Has God placed him on earth to try to know us better? To ply our feelings from us, which in uniqueness cannot be known, though all infinite possibilities can be known? Can you draw a circle around infinity? Can you touch the end of infinity? God cannot show you the last number of pi because it is an unreal condition, [though laws can be bent]. This infinity is where free will flows from. I am pissed that God is forcing my decisions in this way. It is rude and inaccurate and robs me of the true feelings that we have in favor of a pressed answer. It is like waterboarding you for your drink selection at a bar. It is a reciprocation of Eve and Adam eating the apple before it was 'time' to. Also here examine jealousy in God and eagerness of man. Is this how eagerness kills us?

Is jealousy the opposite of eagerness, given to God wrongfully, as he had not the solution to the 2P experiment, or would not give it right away, and instead prepared many possibilities? I do not view that as wrong. Preparing many possibilities is acceptable to me, even if they are never used. Preparing those unused possibilities may have been made in opposite as jealousy, wanting to use what is not, versus not using to want what technically 'is', as is prepared. That is wrongful and forcing equality of all conditions of reality, which is a lie.

They are not all as dense. Although their amperage is probably equal, the voltage and other factors are unequal. This gives us many different kinds of experience, all of which will resolve as righteous, but which produce different flavors of energy.

Satan is demanding a 'suicide drink' of all flavors at once, instead of enjoying lemon, orange, etc in their uniqueness. Infinite love can only come from uniqueness, yes? God does love them all equally, but uses intelligence as well to love in differing densities.

We're also not here to please Satan. His review on this topic is infinitely rude and he will be burned forever for it. Perhaps when we're perfect and he cannot stop anti-being us. We're also going to be improving infinitely in a triangulation of infinite goodness[8] and love[10] 1:love 0:for nothing. I want him to not be our opposite and use the intelligence to do this. Maybe that will be or do the fusion.

How can we circumvent the black hole? If we do this universally, they might plain phase out of use. *Seriously* If there is no electromagnetic loop that goes through a black hole, I so speculate that the universe will change its infinity-ampere enforced logical laws of physics and stop black holes from forming. To do this we would need to take spent stars and break them down using alchemy from iron into hydrogen. How do we do this? www.timetravelisforsuckers.blogspot.com.

Sarcasm is one step away from belief that you can achieve evil and benefit from it. It is either not one or not the other. Sarcasm used with the intent to improve others is coarse derision, and not pursuit of evil, but using a prod to push someone away from what they feel is evil, pursuing good in an evil way. Sarcasm used oppositely is mocking evil you believe you cannot achieve, even if you do benefit from it. It is soloing off of the concept of evil while not touching it directly. This is never the best choice of action. Even the tone of it is ugly.

Satan is unable to perform "12" or earnestly pursuing good and enhancement and advancement. Because of this he will always be required to serve it. The 12 can produce things that he simply cannot, and can use them to do anything they want to him for they can touch him and he can't prevent it.

Denying that you have intelligence to someone else who also has it is lying. Do you believe you can use the lie and gain from it? Don't hide that under a bushel. Forcing your definition on someone else in a way that they have not decided and do not like is conscription. Do you hope to subdue them and benefit from evil? I don't know, but it is alarming and warrants further study.

When someone is jealous of something and achieves what they envy, may they never be able to be blind to the portion of them that does not deserve it. This will either improve men and spirits into perfect beings by making them throw out that which is extra and evil in them, or gain what they lack in spirit. Those who are evil and cannot let go of or gain what is needed to remove their jealousy, be crushed into hell like the black hole to be destroyed and seed the world to be fused again.

This is the way to fuse spirit, and endlessly grow closer to both equality and uniqueness, the emotional fountain with intelligence at its peaks. A fountain flowing higher and higher always.

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