Many spiritual beings are extremely jealous creatures. Even the Living God is self-admittedly jealous. Jealousy is an emotion that is emitted from a creature and is the result of a -14 instability. It can very effectively be countered by a "1" function or an identification and total rejection of that emotional construction. "No, you keep it." This crushes the jealousy and makes the emitter realize it is wrong.
Jealousy will inspire spirits to act arrogantly, which may produce emotional functions that have no grounding, "-10". Stripping these functions to their non-existent core, or giving them a "14" effect should produce recognition that they are terminally orbiting towards nothing and rely on exterior functions. You might "4" them, secluding them.
Honor is something jealous or self-destructive creatures often seek, although not all honor is for or from them.
Time is about organization. 10 being reality, 11 = time. Time is two things happening at the same time, or not. It is a musical function. All things exist. Where or whether in time they happen is the sewn fabric of the experience we have in reality. You will find that without time reality is more like an infinitely quantum-enormous blanket of everything, and each thing a stability and a place instead of an event. Time sews these up into groups like sacks. The sacks then trade patches with one another as probabilities emerge and change. It could be said that intelligence, 9, is all things in all places, and that 10 sews them up into seclusions of area. And 8 would be infinity and equality, and 9 sews them up into logical sets keyed for high interconductivity and production of experience.
This entire posting has been an engineered sewing event. It began with defamation and the foil to jealousy emitted by me because of jealous empathic events visited upon me. I was encouraged not to post it or to delay it because of the destruction it could yield to the jealous, who have no backing but merit and existence, which I would rely on them for. I left, got a snack, and returned to produce this excellent piece of enlightenment. I view the post as an original sensation, and then a vivid improvement from macrospiritual forces attempting to adjust the experience, and recognizing and identifying it.
I encourage the jealous to examine themselves closely, for they cause gross damages and unfair harm. And I encourage those who read or could read this to benefit form this information for the advancement of goodness.
The function of these 11-time organizations is that many 11-organizations exist using many 10-potentials. Doubtless some 10's can serve two 11's or more. The scale of quantity of x serving x+1 likely increases as x increases. This is a function of interdimensionality, which the gray aliens use. It is probability of quantum vibration and area-magnetic songs moving into and overlapping one another. It seems these aliens do not want to be found, as well, by their jealousy. They were probably originally creatures with great jealousy for one another, giving them great conflict in their culture. To solve this they hid from one another so as not to arouse jealousy, to the point of occupying different dimensions, and being able to move through dimensional space. Hence interdimensionality.
This is nothing more than running further and further from the problem. They will never solve the 2P experiment. Instead they go to infinite lengths to avoid that condition. This gives them +-9/intelligence, and an enhanced +-[+-10], becoming an unraveling geometry. [rough: + = "good". - = "bad". By field. See Unified Field:Radiance]
Video: Art Bell Area 51 caller -1997
Monday, December 24, 2007
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